Website Foundations - Online Marketing

Posted by Ryan Gittings

Online marketing is growing year on year. Businesses are becoming worried about the state of their online presence. However, I think that search engine 'experts' are no longer needed and here's why. Google is getting more advanced and smarter with every updat and there's no quick way to rank for some keywords anymore. It takes blood, sweat and tears with lots of dedication, as well as knowledge on how to market online. Businesses, especially in competitive areas such as London, need to spend time creating online marketing campaigns, creating strategy's on how to increase online exposure.

I have the expertise to help with the every aspect of online marketing, from on-site search engine optimisation, to social media, to building a following online.

And to prove it, here's some stats (as of writing):

It Starts from the Beginning

Online marketing doesn't start after the website is built, it needs to be start at the very start, at the planning phase. The website architecture is a vital part of the project (read more about that here). I plan the website around the user, to make sure the user can find, action or research something very quickly. To make sure the website is successful, I need to put the foundations in place, the structure to allow you to add content and appeal to your users, as well as optimise the site in order to get the best search engine rankings possible. It's all part of the strategy.

A Few Marketing Tips

  • Connect with real people - the internet has allowed people all over the world to connect. Behind large websites, there are real people. I've connected with some fantastic people, and had the opportunity to share my web design thoughts one some huge blogs, because I connected with the people behind the blogs and spent a lot of time making the effort.
  • You'll get out what you put in - lots of clients think they need an 'SEO expert'. You don't. You need someone to advise you, push you in the right direction, and help optimise the website to get it to the best point it can be. You also need to make sure that you have the right tools, and facilities to be able to add the content you want, to grow the site organically and naturally.
  • Don't farm out the writing part - spend time in creating unique content. You know your business better than anyone else, so make use of that.
  • **Write content for people **- too often I find blogs trying to spam in keywords. You have to write for people to make it an enjoyable read for the user. This way, the user is more likely to share and in the long run, this will be far more benificial.

Anything is Possible

I wanted to rank for the term 'freelance web designer'. I was told it would be very difficult by an SEO expert, and cost thousands. I proved them wrong. I've managed to get there, after years of hard work and some failures. This is what puts me in the best position to help you.

If You'd Like Some More Advice...

I'm not an online marketing guru, nor do I claim to be. I'm a web designer, with strategies to make businesses succeed online. I don't have packages, or set rates. As I mentioned, online marketing starts from the beginning - and this is where I can help. Building a website from the ground up, putting a proper strategy in place, gives you the best chance of creating a sustainable online business.