Why it's Hard Being a Freelance Web Designer

Posted by Ryan Gittings

I love what I do, and I feel very privileged to be involved in so many exciting projects. But being a freelance web designer is hard. Here are just 3 reasons why:

Dividing Your Time

I constantly find myself checking emails, replying even when I am out and about, just because I am literally obsessed with work, I truly love what I do - being a freelance web designer.

Keeping Focused

With you being your own boss, it's very easy to get distracted! I've spoken to lots of freelance web designers and they do struggle with keeping focused. Luckily, I am pretty good, I'm committed to getting something finished, meeting deadlines, and not procrastinating.


Deadlines come thick and fast, and somehow they always seem to collide. As a freelance web designer, you need to be on the ball, and spend time planning. Planning is the key to success, and you do need to be really good and comfortable with allocating your time.

My Advice

Whenever you get on the computer to start working, you need to be 100% focused with a goal in mind. If you are not in the right state of mind, you aren't going to produce your best work. Take a break, take the day off if necessary. Go to the gym, or just do some exercise, clear your head, and when you are back, you'll be determined to produce some really high quality work.