A Freelance Web Designer Like No Other

Posted by Ryan Gittings

I hear lots of web designers/developers say, "I can't design", or "I let other people design". Some people are natural designers, and have a raw talent for design, others have the eye for it, and can learn very quickly, whilst others genuinely do struggle.

Web design is hard, because of the complexity of the technologies, the browsers, the devices and getting the user experience right, as well as a consistent, and aesthetically beautiful UI is tough.

Being Creative

A good web designer must be creative. They must be able to innovate, not to just be creative, but to have a purpose, and sole reason to justify a new experience, or a new way of doing things.

I wanted to take the opportunity to blog about why I think I'm different to other agencies/freelance web designers, and why I'd be perfect to work with.

An Obsession with Efficiency

Clients are stunned by how quickly I can do work, but we all no quantity doesn't equal quality. But that's the thing that shocks clients, I can turn around projects quickly, without a loss of quality. If you drop me an email, I'll reply pretty freaking quickly, I literally am obsessed...

A Passion For Quality

I've honed it on my process, making sure I can deliver quality products. I have a burning passion to be part of projects. As a freelance web designer, I can never switch off, I'm constantly thinking about how I can improve, how I can make a website better. The first thing I do when I wake up is check my emails, because I have a burning passion for web design.

You Pay For Me Working On Your Project

Working remotely has a huge advantage, I can be paid for just working on your project, no travelling costs, no wasted time, just time I can spend perfecting your project, focusing on the details.

Escape Their Comfort Zone

Lots of sites follow a similar format, sidebar here, heading there, but a really good designer tries and changes it up, creates something fresh, modern, sets the trend, and doesn't follow.

Clean, please!

This really is a personal opinion, but a site must not be cluttered, and noisy, but must have a clear focus, a clear direction for the user to follow. As a designer, you are in control of the user, so every detail must be looked at! How many times do you click away from a site because it doesn't do what you expect, or something is broken. A clean design allows you to control that journey, by not overwhelming the user, and allowing them to find things easily and quickly.