Working with Humdinger Days

Posted by Ryan Gittings

I've been working with Humdinger Days as a freelance web designer for quite a while now, and it's really exciting to see how we've progressed. I've offered them the opportunity to introduce themselves to my readers, as well as giving them the opportunity to showcase their awesome site! So here goes...

Finding Happiness

We like buying things, they provide us with happiness or at least we think we do. Life in the twenty first century is a quick paced, shopper headed experience where the media is constantly telling us that happiness is the result of owning the perfect house, driving a big brand car, sporting the trendiest attire and having the most recent devices. When you buy the latest phone or take your new car for a drive you get a great thrill for a short while but the novelty soon wears off and you find yourself repeating the same process. If this sounds something like your life then rest assured there's a far better way to spend your cash and keep that feeling alive:Stop shopping for stuff and begin shopping for experiences!

Recent analysis from San Francisco State University found that individuals who spent cash on experiences instead of material things were happier and felt the money was better spent. The fun of buying things fades quickly whilst the thrill and memory of experiences, whether epic adventures or small encounters, will last a time period. Think about Theme Parks, they aren’t for everyone but why do people queue for hours for a 30 second experience? Next time you’re feeling down and considering a shopping spree, keep in mind that achieving experiences will make you happier than accumulating stuff.

1. It’s the Small Things

Size doesn’t matter . . . in happiness. People often equate giant purchases with giant amounts of happiness, whereas a large expensive item might give you temporary satisfaction, small and frequent experiences add up and when spread out, make longer lasting happiness! Plus, it’s shown that those with a lot of frequent social interactions live longer, have healthier lives and experience less stress, depression and feelings of isolation.

2. Giving is Healthier than Receiving

Few things give a long-lasting sense of happiness and fulfilment like giving to others. The experience of surprising a friend or family member with a gift will not only bring them happiness but make you feel good about yourself as well and bring a happiness that lasts much longer than the temporary excitement of buying a new phone.

3. Humdinger Days

Humdinger Days are a new website that encourages this type of happiness. They’ve sourced top experience days within the UK that are truly extraordinary and live up to the name ‘Humdinger’. A key feature of Humdinger Days is their Online Bucket List which allows you to choose experiences you’ve always wanted to do, which friends & family can donate to and crowdfund for birthdays, Christmas or at any time. It means you can share these experiences with others who can give something really meaningful. Humdinger Days also offer Gift Vouchers and E-Vouchers that can be used against any of their experience days.

It’s time for something different in the experience day market and to experience something extraordinary, not just the event but the experience as a whole’. Liz Davis from Humdinger Days says “we want our customers experience to start as soon as they find Humdinger Days and not just when they arrive at the event”. They will book the events for you if you wish or follow up on your suggestions of what you’ve always wanted to do as an individual, couple or group, with their ‘Suggest a Day’ option. You can even brand the experience under your name, if you choose, on the website.

4. Example Experiences

5. Group Experiences

Stag & Hen and Corporate Experience Days are also available at Humdinger Days who have a special selection of experiences designed for groups to have maximum fun and develop team building skills.

Create Your Bucket List Now

Enjoy the journey!