A Big 2018

Posted by Ryan Gittings

Since the introduction of the App Store, apps have been changing the world we live in. An average person has 41 apps on their phone, but here are 5 more apps that I’d recommend to any designer or developer for optimising your workflow.

1) Hours Time Tracking

Hours is a superb app for keeping track of projects. Timers allow you to seamlessly and simply switch between projects, allowing you to track your workflow and time spent on each projects.

Why does this benefit you?

Not only can it help you work out time spent per project, it can also give you an idea of how far out from your original anticipated estimate you were. This allows you to get more precise with your costings, and effectively make more money!

Download: https://www.hourstimetracking.com

2) Dropbox

Dropbox is a great tool. It allows me to sync all my files to showcase to clients, on any tablet/smartphone, and across multiple computers, which is great!

Why does this benefit you?

Dropbox will allow you to access files across multiple devices, and showcase visuals to clients on an iPad, anywhere! It’s also a piece of mind, with backups across all the devices, and in the ‘cloud’.

Download: https://www.dropbox.com

3) Diet Coda

Diet Coda is a superb code editing tool for iPad. Got a little tweak whilst you're out and about? Noticed a small bug that’s annoying you? Diet Coda is a saviour! With built in FTP, and with syncing across to desktop Coda, its a wonderful tool.

Why does this benefit you?

An FTP editor, on the iPad is a handy little tool, worth having. I’ve used it several times, when noticing small bugs/glitches, or tweaking content.

Download: https://panic.com/dietcoda/

4) Finish

Finish is a wonderful app for procrastinators, a simple to do list categorised into ‘terms’, short term, mid term, long term. It’s helped me no end, in tracking all the small jobs I need to do, and keep track of.

Why does this benefit you?

Everyone forgets. Finish helps you keep track of whats important, and not only that, prioritises jobs, which optimises your workflow, no end! Trust me, I speak from experience…

Download: https://getfinish.com

5) Google Analytics

Analytics is a must for anyone who uses it. I’m constantly checking visitor stats, and refining UI/UX from analysing the data. Saves me turning my laptop on, and there is always an occasion to visit it, especially in those waiting rooms!

Why does this benefit you?

Monitor your websites visitor statistics, from the ease of your phone. Always handy, not only for your sake, but if you are out with a client, you can easily show them stats for their site on your device.

Download: https://itunes.apple.com/gb/app/google-analytics/id881599038?mt=8